Monday 2 May 2011

First Real Crappy Day

Halfway into week 9 and this is probably my first actual, noticeable, crappy day so far. Sitting at work on an uncomfortable stool, which is too painful to sit on when it’s high up, and not high enough when it’s the right height, I am struggling to find a position that doesn’t agitate the shooting pain I’m experiencing in my left buttock. X_X The fact that the desk and keyboard is poorly positioned in relation to the stool means I’m constantly over compensating to try and sit straighter to alleviate this cursed pain – which then starts to wreck my back.

On top of this, it’s a Bank Holiday Monday, which not only means that the start and finish of the day is more or less dead (making the 10 hour day seem completely redundant), the day drags out longer because we have earlier lunch and tea breaks, AND I’ve also not had enough sleep. I’m not sure which particular thing is worse, but normal tiredness compounded by pregnancy tiredness will definitely guarantee a long, stressful day.

I have been reading up about this bizarre pain I’ve developed, and the symptoms are pointing towards ‘Pelvic Girdle Pain’ – or PGP. Apparently something that many women are afflicted with during pregnancy, and as early as from the first trimester. It is to do with the hormone Relaxin, which increases dramatically in a pregnant woman’s body, causing her muscles and ligaments to relax in preparation for the eventual birth. Of course, in doing so it means that daily movements like walking causes your muscles to over compensate and ends up straining the nerve in your spine – which leads to PGP. Characterised, by a shooting pain in the left butt cheek. X_X Fabulous. Just what I need, and this early on to boot!

I’m really feeling sorry for myself today. Sleep deprived, on a particularly shitty, long day at work, with a really crap chair and chronic nerve pain, whilst everyone else seems to be off enjoying the sunshine – I feel backed up and sluggish, I’m hungry at the same time, and all the while there’s a really strong smell of scrambled eggs, which is driving me insane. And the Cherry on top? It’s only 12pm; seven more hours to go.



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